That's not to say that I'm finished analyzing them, but as I realize that these analysis posts tend to become rather verbose, a break every so often certianly couldn't hurt.
Today I thought we'd cover the specifical vocabulary that tends to come up in these sorts of things, so that I can proceed in describing the blogs without having to stop and explain myself every other word and become even more verbose and convoluted then I already am.
First off there are a few things that come up every so often that should be apparent, as to their meaning, but perhaps aren't.
These include:
Warp Points or Warping: Seriously guys. If I have to explain this than it's probably time to stop trying to scare yourself to pieces while sucking down four-loko with a crazy straw under the covers so your mummy doesn't see. Warping: a term made famous by Star Trek and 18th century Naval proceedures; applies to the Slendy-aura that allows Slenderman, and those around him, to transport from place to place. It almost always affect normal humans when they are already going through devices of travel (I.e. doors, tunnels, sometimes in cars), but Slendy seems capable of doing it whenever he isn't on film. (Oddly enough humans seem able to, and often do, capture these unfortunant displacements of space and time on camera with no problem at all).
SlenderWalking: Similar to Warping, this term applies specifically to Slenderman's ability to appear and disappear from place to place while seemingly always moving at a very constant (very slow pace). There are various schools of thought as to how this works, from "He can only appear next to people that believe and fear him" to a whole mathematical theory dealing with quantum physics and Schrodinger's Cat (He's everywhere, and nowhere!)
Operator Symbol: That.
Seems to come from Marble Hornets (well, really, most things do), but there's no real consensus as to what it means or does. Sometimes it seems to originate from Slendy, as though he drew it himself, or it marks his presence. Some people seem to think it represents his warp points, or perhaps where he's turned people (Something very aztec-sacrifical alter about it, that). Yet others seem to think that it repels him. Nobody seems to have live long enough to find out. To me it seems to say only one thing: "No Face".
The Tulpa Effect: As I posted last time. "The Slender Man.He exists because you thought of him.Now try and not think of him." He exists because we imagined him. Victor Surge didn't just create a meme, but he breathed life into a real monster. Our collective psyche and panic, and paranoia, and all those nights that each of us fans have spent nerviously flicking on the lights and glancing towards the windows both terrified and excited to see him? We brought him to life. Likewise, everything we decide about him, and every commonly accepted Slendertheory is therefore true because we accept it to be so.
I don't know about you but I'm changing all my theories that he's a giant fluffy bunny who just wants a cuddle and see where that takes us.
Now: The people
There are looooooots of terms and theories and ideas about what effect slenderman has on people and what exactly we call them, but I'm going to cover the most popular basics.
The Good Guys
Blinds: Or, as I call them, the innocents. Those that have no idea what the Slenderman is and therefore have had no encounters with him. You, for example, are not one of them.
Fighters: Those that don't allow themselves to be passively stalked by Slendy. Rather, they fight back, they try and do something about it. Whether that means going after his minions, or going after the big man himself. Evan from EverymanHybrid, with his trusty baseball bat and meatcleaver, would be an example, albiet, not a very smart one.
Runners: Those that fight Slendy by avoiding him. Those that try, or, on odd occasions, learned to avoid him all together. Jay from Marble Hornets often displays this trait, frequently changing locations to survive him.
The Others
The Hallowed: Also, Hollowed. These refer to people who have been psychologically "carved out" by Slenderman. They've lost their personalities, There drive and most of their soul. To those that knew them, they seem empty or 'not all there'. They're motives may not be immediately apparent, but eventually they will turn on those that love them. They also seem to have a fanatical love of Slenderman, to a self-damaging level. Think...the evil minions from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. They've also lost such a large part of themselves that they often speak in code.
Totheark: Obviously coined by Marble Hornets, most blogs, written or video, have some character that leaves messages that both threaten, and drive the main character. Whether these characters are good, or evil; Threatening or nice; doesn't matter. They're always there.
Sleepers: Those that are under control of the Slenderman, but not conciously aware of it. Whether this means that they are doing things that seem good, but are actually bad, or if they do things literally in there sleep. They can be good guys, but, unfortunantly, things never seem to end well for them.
That's the basic idea anyway. Let me know if there is something blaringly obvious that I missed, it's quite possible. I've had a horrible time sleeping lately (*hands on hips* Slenderman, is that you? *Stock Laughter*). So it's likely I've missed something in my dilerium. It's always quite possible that my dyslexia has cropped up more than usual here. Feel free to bash my spelling in the comments. Douche.
For more terms, or information check out Slenderbloggins over at wordpress. They've got a nice little compendium of things. Sort of an advanced version of what I'm working on here. Cheers.
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