Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Vlogs: ML Anderson0

So I discovered a new one today, thanks to my recent membership on Slendernation forums; which is a totally awesome slendercommunity that is not only large enough to provide interesting discussion but also just a fun group of people. They also don't suffer asshats well, which tickles me about purple.

Anyway, they are open to discussing just about anything slender-related; and beyond. If you like sharing theories or whatnot I fully advise you to go seek them out. Just make sure you bring good grammer and a healthy sense of humour.

Moving on.

HERE THERE BE SPOILERSSo none of that "you ruined the ending!!!" whining, ok douchecanoes?
Ahhhh...ML Anderson0
God Bless you.

Okokok. So it's not the most epic piece of filmary I've seen in my life. Is it going to terrify you the way MarbleHornets did? HA! No. Is it worth watching? A thousand times, yes.

ML Anderson0, or the Anderson Journals have really only just begun. Micheal Anderson; a young guy with numerous monsters in his closet (I mean that metaphorically, this is not EverymanHybrid) after spending most of his life in a mental hospital. The journals begin after he is released, so that his doctor can keep track of him; despite the fact that the doctor has done nothing to intervene in the following events.

Micheal has family problems. A long unresolved conflict with his parents regarding why they put him in the hospital to begin with (and thusly abandoned him); and the always present stigma of spending some 18 years in a mental institution. Problem is, its possible that Micheal isn't even crazy. Or is he?

He feels he's being followed. He starts seeing tall men in business suits whereever he goes. But his brother can't see them, and assumes he's still crazy. But every fan on the internet, at least those that know what Slender Man is, can.

After an intense sequence of dissapearances and reappearances, Micheals brother Shaun, and his roommate Eric begin seeing things they never wanted to see in the first place. Micheal claims that Shaun was always able to see him, but just didn't want to, citing the time when they were kids, being hunted by Mr. Tall; and told their parents, only for Shaun to lie and say he never saw him. Landing Micheal in the crazy ward.


Micheal: Harried youth who has been seeing the Slenderman every since he was a very small boy despite the fact that no one else sees, or is willing to admit that he sees, Him. Immediately after leaving the hospital this time, Micheal starts having encounters again, dragging his brother and his brother's roommate into the heart of "Running".

Shaun: Micheal's gunshy, self-involved brother. Despite having been the only family member to keep in communication with Shaun during his stay at the hospital, Shaun immediately tries to cut all ties once the Slender Man starts reappearing into his life. Although theirs evidence that he's been slenderstalked since he was a child as well, his unwillingness to admit he sees or knows our Friendly Neighborhood Monster, seems to have kept him safe over the years; albiet kind of a douchebag to his brother; at one point accusing Micheal of infecting him with his crazy.

Eric: Shaun's roommate and best friend. He's no fan of Micheal though, often accusing him of duping his fans into believing his crazy lies, and, at one point, kidnapping Shaun. Never willing to trust Micheal further than he can throw him, Eric seems to grudgingly put up with him for the sake of Shaun and later, because he starts seeing the tall man himself. Considering the fact that Slendy has been communicating to Eric, I think we can safely assume that nothing good will happen to this boy ever again.

My Rating: B

This show is a solid good start for what could evolve into a great slenderseries; something which really hasn't been seen since MarbleHornets. For one thing, these boys are actors instead of film buffs. I've never seen a slenderseries with actors and My God its refreshing. Granted, sometimes their acting is a little stiff or forced, but often, particularly when monologuing, it's brilliantly impactful. Especially Micheal, who is a veritable Tour de Force at behaving oppressed yet potentially crazy all at the same time.

Granted, as actors, the other elements of the show, which is often the highlight of other slenderseries, is lacking. Their Slendy is short and a little saggy; and in desperate need of a new costume or at least better angles to cheat his weaknesses. They don't always utalize him well either, although it's cute, having him lean curiously over a fence, while obviously balancing on a stool doesn't really make me terrified. Albiet, the acting makes up for it in full.

Also, in a nice break from marblehornets (and perhaps taking away some of the fear but in a nice way) this series is a lot more character based. Because they are actors, they aren't afraid to focus on the people rather than the scenery or the monsters. This series becomes more about the interactions between those being hunted, rather than the hunting itself.

I think given a little time, and perhaps a tad bit of re-design, this series could really take off. It's still in the beginning stages, but I'm thoroughly hopeful for it's future.

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